Sunday, February 18, 2007


I've been meaning to use a feed subscription service for some time, but just haven't taken the time to figure out how to do it. Forgive me if I don't have the terms just right - I am new to this capability.

I am always checking my favorite blogs to see if anything new is there. Some of them post quite often - several times a day - which only makes things worse, since it rewards you for frequent checking. Today, I set up a google reader for my favorite blogs and went throught the process of "clearing them out" of the posts I have already seen. I can already see that this will be a big time saver for me and keep me from missing good posts. One stop shopping, so to speak.

The way this works, for the uninitiated, is you add feeds to your reader. This is just the urls of the websites you visit frequently. The reader will then notice for you whenever a new post shows up and provide you a copy of it at the reader page. It's a fairly faithful rendering of the post, with images, videos and links.

This seems to run counter to the revenue model used for these sites to me. You can read the whole post at the reader and therefore avoid visiting the site? Hit counters are not incremented? After all, you won't be seeing the ads at the original site.


Towards infinity said...

Mary, while a webagregator is nice i so far found all of 'em to be underwhelming and i stick to thunderbird. It's just like email :-) it arrives in my inbox and i can sort it, flag it, mark it unread, filter it etc! I just love it.

Unknown said...

Hi Mary.

Just started reading your posts again. I began using a RSS feed about 6 months ago. At first it was a wonderful timesaver. All my favorite blogs (your Cron Diary, for example) were accessible with a single click. Then I found myself adding more and more of them. The web has so much of interest! In a matter of weeks I was spending more, not less time keeping up. Information overload! I eventually had to take an extended vacation from the web entirely.